Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Guest Blogger-Donna The Bard Reviews The Difference Engine Steampunk Convention

I am happy to announce that "Donna The Bard" has approved the following presentation of her review of the first Difference Engine 3 day Steampunk convention in Fort Worth, Texas.  And now for your entertainment and enlightenment, I bring you Donna the Bard:

The Difference Engine Steampunk Convention rang in the New Year with 3 days of fun. A steady stream of entertaining performances occupied the stage in 30 minute increments all day long while enlightening panels and presentations addressed issues of interest. I enjoyed the corset class hosted by the ladies of Airship Isabella, and being a quilter, I had to see the Victorian Crazy quilt presentation by Melia Newman. I enjoyed meeting author Bev Hale and the waltz class prepared folks for an enjoyable evening at the New Year’s Eve ball, the highlight of the event.
As always, “Cut, Thrust and Run” kept you alert and laughing with their innovative improvisation and exceptional swordplay while the Tribal dancing of Heidi Wunder bewitched the audience into spellbound fascination. Professor Ewell Tar sold Princess Feather Flower’s Magical Elixir in a hilarious Wild West Medicine and Magic show. Sarasvati Bodhisattva played the sitar beautifully and added some drumming to my show as well- I really enjoyed getting to know her.
Though the audiences were small, energy was high and attendees seemed to have a good time. Many turned up in exquisite costumes and Peter Pixie did a wonderful job of making everyone feel welcome as he announced and introduced performers.
I hope everyone who came to my show had a good time. I enjoyed teaching people to play the bodhran and leading the sing a longs. Wishing you a happy new year and Auld Lang Syne.
Lady Genevieve Gordon aka Donna the Bard.

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